HaftanınÇok Okunanları
Süleyman Abdulla 2
Kardeş Kalemler 3
İdris Özler 7
In research works on journalism, there is an opinion which has been supported until very recently that the Kazakh periodicals of 20s of last century fully encouraged the ideology of the Communist Party, and therefore the issues of national interests were not covered on the pages of newspapers and magazines, and that this theme has been completely prohibited for discussion. This judgment is correct to some extent. However, in case of painstaking studies and careful analysis of the periodical press archives of that period you can see the true picture and have a look at the historical events more objectively. During the Soviet period an objective assessment and study of the periodical press was almost impossible, because even scientific researches were under total control conducted in accordance with the directions of the Communist Party.That’s why the need of reviewing the activities of periodicals, which were under the veil of "Soviet" print, to making a selection of actual and sharp materials or articles among the publications of that time, reflecting the bold truth; the introducing these publications into the scientific discourse; analysis of data and facts contained in these materials; assessment of the author's style, revealing the stylistics and genre features, peculiarities of materials presentation by authors – all of these issues are very topical today and require objective study. However, researching the print of that period is not an easy task. Firstly, the Kazakh periodicals used the Arabic script (graphics) until 1929, and also unequipped printing machines made it impossible to comply with punctuation and grammar rules in the texts, some letters are used in different variations. Some words in different editions were printed in different ways, making it difficult to recognize and proofread the text. Secondly, newspaper files of 20s can be found only in rare archives, also they are not complete, systematic or collected into a single fund. For these and other reasons, while touching the printing problems affecting the early ХХ century, many scientists and researchers rely only on available materials that have been preserved and survived to our time. There is no wonder that the majority of the stored materials are of "Soviet" orientation, limited to the publication of official documents and the propaganda of the party press. And these materials and judgments are not always objective.For example, "Ushkyn" («Ұшқын») (1919), "Enbek tuy" («Еңбек туы») (1920), "Enbekshіl kazak" («Еңбекшіл қазақ») (1921), "Enbekshі kazakh" («Еңбекші қазақ») (1925) editions were one-side assessed as the body of the Bolshevik government. In fact, it turned out that this is not true. The materials published on the newspapers are the only tool with which you can differentiate between fact and opinion, reconstruct the reality, historical and social, cultural, spiritual stay of Kazakh society of that time. So, by revising and re-examining the origins of Soviet press, we aim to achieve historical justice, an objectively assess the bravery and courage of our public figures who fought with the political system. By making a review of journalistic materials published during the studied period in our paper, we concluded that a lot of Kazakh journalists and publicists boldly raised the issues of national interest, fought for land and countrymen by their activities. They not only struggled against feudal system, but at the same time actively discussed and raised the problem of the state and nationalism. Therefore, this paper establishes a new objective view of the above publications.Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, defining the responsibilities of the Soviet regime, clearly stated that the periodical press is the main tool for building the socialist system. Therefore, in December 1917, a special decree instructed to close all periodicals of bourgeois direction. After that, the task of ideological front was to supersede the Kazakh press adhering to national-democratic principles and to form a real Soviet press instead. As a result of this guidance a decree was published on December 10, 1919 in the newspaper "Ushkyn" ("Ұшқын", «Искра»), which became the body of the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) Revolutionary Committee.The objective and purpose of the newspaper “Ushkyn” («Ұшқын») was to inform the population, cover peasants’ life, various events related to them, spread edicts and decrees of Committee. Publishing house fully performed these tasks, and even boldly highlighted the problems of national interest. After all, the newspaper was managed by figures of the Enlightenment period of old bourgeois system. In the newspaper A. Baitursynov, M. Seralin, M. Turganbaev closely interwove the interests of the peasants with the interests of the nation, and the will of the individual strata with the will of the common people, developed their judgment and continued to publish relevant articles printed in due time in the newspaper "Kazakh" (“Қазақ”) (1913-1918) and "Aikap" («Айқап») (1911-1915).The ruling authorities had no choice, that during the Soviet regime formation they had to admit the former leaders of Alashorda to the management of press, hence to powerful lever of ideological work. Firstly, there were no any other well educated and enlightened citizens except them. Secondly, leaders and fighters for independence had significant authority among the people since the days of the tsar's government and were often perceived as the leaders of the nation. And the main purpose of Alash representatives was further doing service to the people making use of all the opportunities provided by the Soviet authorities. During these years Alash members could spread their freedom ideas not so straight, but their principles and aspirations remained the same. They had a good practice of governance and were notable for analytical and balanced approach in all affairs. They were not pleased by sweet dreams of communism and did not smear the past. Many people, who were busy creating the Soviet state, addressed them for advice. However, when the opportunity occurred they were reproached for "nationalistic" views and told that their time had passed.Although it was forbidden to publish articles of Alashorda members in periodicals, Soviet literature had not yet established in the form which wanted by government. It was still discussed what it should be. Therefore, literary works were printed extremely rare in this period. But the article, affecting the problems of education, the economy, the alphabet changing, the scope of the Kazakh language, equal rights for women were published almost daily. For all that the communism ideologists accused and blackened bourgeois literature, there was nothing to replace. However, the Communists did not think about it too deeply. Their most important task was to fight with internal "enemies", and it meant the killing educated Kazakhs, who understood the essence of all work undertaken at this stage of policy.Relatively, 1923-1924 years can be called as "calm before the storm". These were the years when Kazakhstan has not yet involved in cruel "reforms" of F. Goloschekin. Thanks to the requests of the Kazakh educators the name of the nation was recovered. Instead of "Kyrgyz" state it began to be called "Kazakh ASSR". Several resolutions were adopted pertaining to office in the Kazakh language and the development of Kazakh language at the state level. And also under the initiative of the Kazakh intelligentsia, a decree of the People's Commissariat for Labor of Kazakh ASSR “On the dismissal of employees who do not speak Kazakh language and unable to conduct business in the Kazakh language in relation to the introduction of office administration in Kazakh language” was issued on July 21, 1924. This favorable period lasted until the fall of 1925, then "hunting season" started for educators demanding justice, who then marked as “nationalists" after the advent of F. Goloschekin. Therefore, this period can be called as the last echo of the national spirit. Another proof of this is that the reason for the mass arrests of Alashorda members in thirties was their activity for the nation in the 1920s.Actual topic of periodicals is the integrity of the Kazakh landsThe integrity of the Kazakh lands, territorial integrity of the state was one of the most high priority topics raised by the newspaper "Ushkyn" («Ұшқын»). The articles "Kostanay county" [1], "About Kazakh land" [2], "Project on land problems" [3 ] "Past days" [4] and other materials condemned the attempts of Chelyabinsk government to separate Kustanay county from Kazakh state and join it to itself. On the page of newspaper we can see how the group of statesman headed by A. Baitursynuly and M. Seralinov held negotiations, but the authorities of Chelyabinsk by all means did not want to miss the opportunity of owning the splendid land. No matter how loudly sounded the slogans of the Bolsheviks like: "Every nation has the right to establish own republic", "farmers must be the masters of their land", in fact it turned out to be empty words.In the article "About Kazakh land" published in 1920 on №20 issue of the newspaper "Ushkyn" («Ұшқын») Tanabuga expressed the idea that "In general, there are no rich or poor men among Kazakhs. Even if there are, they do not differ so much as those of other nations." Publication of such judgments conflicting with Soviet policy, using the press as an instrument of the peasant class shows the profound contradictions of national interests and the Soviet government in twenties.The subject of land issues was also highly relevant for the «Enbek Tuy» («Еңбек туы») publishing house. The expulsion to waste ground by the inhumane policy of the absolutist tsarism was the worst tragedy for Kazakhs who lost their land and were forced to leave their fruitful home lands. Other topical issues on the agenda were the autonomy establishment and the formation the statehood of Akmola and Semey regions, that remained in the Siberian government. These reasons became the fundamental fact for actualization of land topics in the newspaper. In the article “Autonomy and two oblasts” published on the issue №5 of "Enbek Tuy" («Еңбек туы»), the author named Kartai talks about the necessity of joining two regions of Akmola and Semey to the Kazakh state of which the Siberian government does not want to lose its control. The author criticizes the actions of the Siberian government which is intentionally not in a hurry to concede the rights for these areas, and accuses them for violating the policy of the Soviet power and not exercising them up to the mark. S. Sadvakassov was the most active in this matter. In his article “About Siberian Kazakhs” he analyzes the problem of annexing Akmola and Semey regions to Kazakhstan, which belonged to the Siberian Revolutionary Committee [5] at that time, and furiously accuses the illegal actions of the Siberian Revolutionary Committee, preventing the joining of these lands. The article "On the Siberian oblasts" [6 ], the author also shares the arguments of adding Akmola, Semey areas to the Kazakh autonomy. Due to their enormous efforts the group of leaders, headed by S. Sadvakasov returned these two areas to Kazakhstan from the ruling of Siberian Government with decisive actions. Also the return of Kazakh lands from Turkestan Republic to Kazakhstan was on the agenda. Group of government leaders proposed to declare the city of Tashkent, where the majority of the population was Kazakhs, as the capital of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. A lot of work was carried out to clarify and reason, and exact statistics on population were given. As a result, the South Kazakhstan oblast was returned to Kazakhstan, the area was expanded and the population increased for several times. However, Tashkent, indigenously considered to be Kazakh land, did not become the capital of Kazakhstan.Land problem was one of the most relevant topics in newspapers "Ushkyn" («Ұшқын») and Enbek Tuy («Еңбек туы») in the 1923-24 when the Soviet government was gathering momentum, and in the newspaper "Enbekshіl Kazak" («Еңбекшіл қазақ»). Kazakh enlightened figures fought with the gloves off on the pages of newspapers and magazines for Akmola, Semey, Omsk, Kokchetau, Petropavpovsk and Uralsk oblasts, that Siberian government did not want to lose. Moreover, Syrdarya, Semirechinskaya, Fergana, Trans-Caspian oblasts remained as the part of the Turkestan Republic. Kazakh intellectuals led by Ahmet Baitursynov, Mannan Turganbaev, Smagul Sadvakasov not only indignantly wrote about it in the newspapers, but also conducted active negotiations with the Russian government, heads of provinces. In general, the issue was discussed in the Kazakh Congress, there it was claimed that the land should be under the jurisdiction of the Kazakh state. Another article that raised the actual problem - the land issue - called "About Kazakh land". This publication states: "Muzhiks - farmers see the benefits of Kazakhs, especially in the form of land. Peasants left intact their fertile land and buy up the lands of Kazakhs. This is not due to the excess of Kazakh lands, but helplessness of Kazakhs themselves: Kazakhs sell farmers not only their land, but also their work. The farmer buys from Kazakh not only virgin land, but also fertile land, ploughed by the efforts and means of Kazakhs. It’s clear both to peasant and Kazakh, how much the peasant benefits and how much the Kazakh loses. Kazakh, giving plowed lands to muzhik peasant has to master and plow virgin land in order to continue sedentary life. Mastering the virgin lands, he thereby reduces grazing lands and damages pastoralism. Thus, Kazakh worsens both agriculture and cattle breeding due to the sale of land to the peasants. If Kazakhs continue to sell their fertile land to peasants, they will lose the opportunity to sow wheat and to keep cattle, by plowing virgin lands and selling them they will become the proletariat and then turned into real proletariat by losing the vehicle"[7]. Author tries to hint that the main idea of this article is to show that the major potential threat for Kazakhs is not rich men, but the neighboring country with colonialist and imperious intention that off-handedly was breaking into Kazakh land and robbing it. Its interesting that the newspaper "Ushkyn" («Ұшқын»), being the "voice" of the Revolutionary Committee allowed to publish such sharp and frank opinions about the fate of the nation. Of course, we will not be mistaken if we say that the reason for this is the fact that Revolutionary Committee was headed by such patriots of their country as A. Baitursynuly. Smagul Sadvakassov in his article "About the Siberian Kazakhs" writes: "For the argument that we need autonomy we present the following: every nation has its own language, its own traditions (way of life). To achieve human happiness every nation should be the ruler of their own culture in their own language, do the housekeeping taking into account its lifestyle. And if we tie the half of the Kazakh people to one wagon, another half to the other one, then can we come to the abovementioned basis on a right way? If to split the people with one native language, one common household, then how it will reach the culture, change the farming, join the working group or become the representative of humanism? …According to them, the Kazakh people are ferocious, ignorant, unthinking, silent, and unaware. Therefore, they can do anything. By no means! Omsk "heroes", the time of such judgments has passed. Working people are long since awake. All-seeing eye does not miss anything. Kazakh people are not lonely as before, we have plenty of good-natured, warlike heroes. They became Communists not to make Kazakh people slaves, but good citizens. Kazakh people will not be suppressed as before. You can improve the lives, join the working mass. Suicide is not tempting for us. Thus, Kazakh workers want unity, prosperity and good health" [8].The issue raised in this article will never lose its relevance. To express such an idea at that time can be considered as desperate heroism. And this heroic act was committed by Smagul Sadvakassov. Thanks to articles by A. Baitursynuly, M. Seralin, and the younger generation of Alashorda members such as C. Sadvakassov, we can see the real picture of the period. By these publications, bright figures of Alashorda faithfully served their people until the Bolshevik regime deposed them. They boldly wrote and straightly talked about political and social issues. Thus, educators and leading figures of the Kazakh people succeeded in saving their countrymen from many of the losses.Owing to the bold articles by leaders of the people and brave struggle of sons the Kazakh land reunited with the territory of the state though not entirely. It was not an easy victory.Language issues The newspapers often raised the problem of the Kazakh language as one of the most urgent issues. This problem disclosed in the publications of "Enbekshi Kazak” («Еңбекші қазақ») was the main theme of the newspaper in the days of editorial activity of S.Seifullin (from late 1922 until April, 1924). It was discussed in "Information on paperwork in the Kazakh language”, "On the introduction of Kazakh language", "Introduction of record papers in the Kazakh language into institutions" headings, through which Saken Seifullin showed an example of honoring the native language. S.Seifullin made an enormous contribution to the struggle for changing the concept of "Kyrgyz" to "Kazakh". In 1921 S.Seifullin publicly protested against the decree signed by bolshevik R. Zenkovich commenting as follows: "All the offices of the local and provincial institutions, the offices of county agencies conduct clerical work in Russian."In the main article titled "We must maintain institutions documentation in the Kazakh language" Saken wrote that 12 meeting of the Communist Party raised the question of language as one of the main issues discussed. This appeal of Saken was addressed directly Communists who descended from the Kazakh environment. While discussing the article "On the government record maintenance in Republics in the national language" also making decisions in this matter, S.Seifullin suggests to pay attention to the mentality, way of life, main problems of the Kazakh people.This decision was positively perceived by Kazakh communists and they considered it their duty without delay [9]. Looking at the future of the national language with great hope, S.Seifullin said that “Everyone knows that if the person can speak even French but not native Kazakh, then he will not be useful or needed in Kazakhstan”.The article criticized the distortion of the Kazakh language by "educated" comrades and their habit of mixing the Kazakh with "foreign" languages. 1923 was the year of the beginning of the struggle, which purpose was to defend the right for the state language when the issue of Kazakh language development was on the agenda. In the magazine "Aikap" (“Айқап”) Sultanmahmut Toraigyrov calls to preserve the purity of language, without any additions of Bukhara and Arab, ornate religious dialects.Newspapers "Enbekshil Kazak" (“Еңбекшіл қазақ”) and "Enbekshi Kazak" (“Еңбекші қазақ”) also opposed inappropriate introduction of the Russian language and the imposition of foreign words. This was the beginning of the Kazakh intellectuals’ struggle against the tsarist policy of forced russification of the Kazakh language. Unfortunately, this struggle has been continuing to the present day and is the unsolved problem of modern society.Turning over the publications filing of that time, we cannot ignore illiterate composed Decrees, Orders, weak and rough translations from the Kazakh language that force Kazakh intellectuals to take up the pen. For example, Mirzhakyp Dulatov in his article "To the attention of working committee on Kazakh language" (10) notes that the requirements to introduce the record management in the Kazakh language are not actually fulfilled, and it is being exercised only for appearance. The author indignantly states about an intentional crime against the Kazakh language by showing the order of the Internal Commissariat with questionable, incomprehensible content. Governmental order with completely incomprehensible content causes a protest: "And this is in Kazakh? It would be better to leave it in Russian rather than to translate into Kazakh in this manner. This order will be distributed throughout Kazakhstan. Moreover, I admit that this is not an only order in "Kazakh", and such orders are being prepared right now. Consequently, the Commission on the introduction of Kazakh language or other institutions should keep an eye on this process, because eventually there will be those who will tell us to face "if it is Kazakh language, I would rather be Russian!". These words of the writer serve as the proof of his true patriotism, reveal deep feelings for his people. But even after Kazakh became a state language, the issue was not solved, and newspapers continue to publish articles, sharply criticizing the secondary importance of Kazakh language.Newspapers fulfilled their historical duty – showing the shortcomings of the native language development, pay attention to this executive, and therefore contribute to the adoption of certain measures. This proves the falseness of the popular belief that the Soviet press was just a tool of the ideology of party power. Actually everything was different. If we talk about the original path of the periodical press, it is worthwhile to say that the Soviet journalism had its own characteristics, searches and contradictions especially in the 20s. Unbiased systematic study of this matter, its fair assessment is the duty of today’s young people. Because underestimating this fact would be the disregarding of the desperate job of statesmen who made backbreaking contribution to the national journalism.Along with public figures in their position on the issue of language, we should note the views of Turar and Gabbas, the supporters of the Soviet ideology. This is evidenced by an article published in 1926 on the №253 issue of the newspaper "Enbekshi Kazak" («Еңбекші қазақ») named "Kazakhs should be kazakhizated”. This article published on the front page, openly declares: "To be Kazakh and not to know or forget the Kazakh language is disgraceful and dishonorable. This is especially true of the leaders of the Kazakh workers society, the Kazakh Communist who are political leaders.” Kazakh party workers and managers who despise their native language were criticized.The author wrote: "We should not educate Kazakh workers in Russian. It’s impossible to form Kazakh literature only by translation works. Also the formation of the Kazakh consciousness through the book copies is impossible. We cannot create the Kazakh culture, only relying on textbooks of Ahmet and Eldes. Perhaps ordinary people cannot evaluate the problem, but Kazakh communists who consider themselves leaders of Kazakh workers must clearly understand the situation. Therefore, kazakhization trend should by lead by Kazakh communists and they should begin the process themselves."An editor Togzhanuly deserves recognition for raising the problem of language. Unfortunately, the question raised in the article is still remaining open and urgent. Another aspect to the problem of language is "What language should be used in schools?". In an article titled "Problems of public education" [11] and published in "Enbekshi Kazakh" («Енбекші қазақ») the author proposes the matters of preparing schoolbook and determining the teaching language at school as main ones. He writes the following on language teaching: "The Kazakh language should be taught only in primary school. But one fourth of the lessons is to be held in Russian. Otherwise Kazakh children will not be able to get a full education." This situation was actually more complicated than it seemed. For example, in the issue № 221 of the newspaper "Enbekshi Kazakh" («Енбекші қазақ») in 1925, the following statistics were given: "There are 2,632 first and second grades in Kazakhstan. The total number of students in these schools is 197,670. 618 schools among them teach in Kazakh and the number of students there is 29,227 pupils." These indicators are already enough to understand how the colonialist policy was begun. Number of Kazakh schools was 4.5 times less than the Russian ones and the number of Kazakh language students is 7 times less than Russian language students. Of course, it was high time to sound the alarm.The issue of educating Kazakh children in Russian was raised in 1925 and remained only at the level of discussion. Since 1927 the problem turned into an open collective struggle. Followers of Koshmuhameda Kemengeruly’s view entered into a struggle with the Soviet fraction led by Ilias Kabyluly. In his answer to the question: "What language should be used in school?", Koshke Kemengeruly specified the shortage of teachers for Kazakh classes, lack of Kazakh textbooks required for high school, impossibility of entering university by graduates of Kazakh schools, but the at the same time argue against Russian secondary schools.He states that if children are not taught in the Kazakh language, there will be no need for the publication of textbooks in Kazakh, which should not be allowed. While books on subjects are not translated into the Kazakh, no any specialist will be trained. Consequently, there no any national school or national culture will be established. Whilst other Turkic peoples give secondary education in their native language, Kazakhs abandon their own language. "The spread and development of Kazakh schools will gradually lead to the establishment of the Kazakh departments in universities" [12].Ilias Kabyluly contradicted the aforesaid later in his article "It is essential to seek knowledge". To the question "Can the Kazakh language become the language of knowledge? the author responds: "If Kazakh language will continue to rely on Russian as today, it can be taught only at the level of primary school." According to Kabyluly, pressure on the Kazakh language exerted from the times of throne has led to the absence of Kazakh schools. Education in schools was given exceptionally in Russian and Arabic. Textbooks published also in Russian and Arabic. Kazakh language has never been the language of knowledge. For this reason, author concludes "the goal of being educated by the Kazakh language is not obligatory, there are other ways. We need to find a short and useful way to achieve knowledge. Nowadays the Kazakh language cannot serve as the main instrument of education. Therefore, in my opinion, we should use the Russian language. Russian is the language of education in the Soviet Union" and by this he shows distrust and alienation of mother tongue. Then Kabyluly got to accuse nationalists. The author attempts to blacken his countrymen, saying: "Those who require training in schools in Kazakh language, in fact, protect the national consciousness. Here not the purpose of education, but the purpose of education in Kazakh and achieving the independence is pursued. This idea is peculiar to the minority with chauvinistic views who was expelled from the party, from the Soviet, from working class" [13]. Unfortunately, it was struggle prearranged by Soviet power between Kazakh intelligentsia and “classers”. Top party members admitted such kind of clashes and played the role of observer then invented different groups and by contrasting those with each other began the systematic destruction of the intelligentsia. By eliminating all the leaders and speakers, the Soviet government made a decision "On compulsory education in Russian in national republics and regional schools". Thus, they fell into the smooth russification.The regulation "On compulsory education in Russian language in Kazakh schools" actually pursued the goal of destroying the Kazakh mentality. Then "Restoring the national schools" enabled chauvinists to close Kazakh schools and establish full-fledged training in Russian. Thus, step by step policies worsened the already precarious situation of the Kazakh language. Unfortunately, at that time when the assumption of Koshke Kemengeruly "if to teach in secondary schools in Kazakh, then gradually it will be possible in universities" was crushed by Soviet power, call of Kabyluly "Russian language is the language of education in the Soviet Union" was spread widely and without obstructions. Subsequently, there were party workers supporting one language policy who publicly stated that good Russian secondary education ensures higher education and offers great opportunities for young people.By the end of the 20s, the Bolshevik regime that took control of the press began to withdraw from their national policies. Now it was clear that under the guise of national guardianship Soviet Union covered the policy of assumption of power over everything. For example, before the separation the regions in Almaty district, Kazakhization institutions made up 33 per cents, and after separation it dropped to 12 percent. In Uralsk, these figures are similar: there is a decline of kazakhization from 34 to 10 percent. It did not leave the true patriots indifferent.They raised the alarm in newspapers that the kazakhization process is not carried out properly. The proof of the above is the article "About seven orders of kazakhization", which strictly criticized the failure to comply with orders [14]. On May 17, 1927 the Committee of the Soviet and the Union of Commissars of Kazakhstan issued a decree "On kazakhization of all districts and counties offices until 1st of January, 1928", and also 7 regulations № 258 on the basis of this decree on February 5, 1928; №363 on 18th of February, №865 on 11th of April, №1000 on 26th of April, №1120 on 8th of May, №1523 on 18th of June. But the plans on kazakhization of ordinary offices were not implemented. The article said: "Orders and decrees "On the necessity of kazakhization" from above ignored by local governments. Clerical works still were conducted in Russian language. In institutions there is only one Kazakh language clerk worked. It is impossible to kazakhizate the office work procedure with only one employee. It should be considered by authorized bodies".The same question on kazakhization of offices was raised on the issue № 297 of the newspaper "Enbekshi Kazak" («Еңбекші қазақ») in 1928. The author said by criticizing the slow progress of the kazakhization process, passivity and indifference of party workers in this business: "If you continue to maintain the kazakhization at this speed, nothing will happen. This work should be taken under the control of the party and local government. Now you should not conduct kazakhization in general form, but privately. Each establishment must be checked separately. We should locally find out why it was not exercised and what was the reason. Thus, we must punish for carelessness and irresponsibility of workers by taking the works on kazakhization of institutions under tight control, and call them to party and legal liability», and by this author asked to punish violators who disobeyed the law and party. It was the last attempt of patriots to raise the Kazakh people and protect national values. Soon Ryskululy became the victim of prosecutorial system.If during the time when the Soviet Republic was just beginning to be built, the Bolshevik regime did not dare to extrude brave and educated leaders of the people from political arena, but at the end of the 20s, when it prepared own specialists, the government started to estrange Kazakh intellectuals from spheres of education and publishing. Shaimerden Tokzhigituly, who also worried about national problems, opposes enlightener in his article "On kazakhization": “Literature is a vulnerable part of the cultural revolution. Previously it was used by people who are far from us. Printing of books was "benefit" for the nationalists. Especially in the field of art and knowledge they were the main ones. School teachers were not Communists, but remained old nationalists. Ones like Ahmed despite everything remained true to their old beliefs and ideas". In his article, he called to fight with it, not to yield to negative views. In conclusion, the author puts forward the following demands: the party books must be written by party members, its necessary to enhance the control over the work of the Party and Soviet, to organize special group of Kazakh communists in the editorial departments of Party committees with the right to publish articles and to introduce strict censorship on publications and control over them.So educated public figures who believed that "the press is the mirror of society devoted to correct the mistakes and discover defects" were persecuted and were forced out of the scope of educational activities. After 1928, the rate of national themes reduced. There was a reduction in the number of publications expressing feelings about the fate of the Kazakh language. Instead, small notes and writings of local authority were published. That is, after 30s the articles praising the communist system and party achievements came to replace discussing publications. Newspaper pages were full of denunciations, exposure, and criticism of authors who saw only enemies around them. Thus the press became the tool of only party ideology. First of all it was the consequence of the isolating the intelligentsia from the publishing industry, and secondly, party power and communist ideology kept the information space under strict control.In conclusion, on the pages of newspaper "Enbekshi Kazakh" («Еңбекші қазақ») to the second half of the 20s there was a tendency to criticize the past as a way of building a new society. The concept of "class discrimination" previously not existed in Kazakh society was being forcibly imposed and policy pursuing the destruction of Kazakhs unity actively was conducted. Everyone knows the fact that the destroying all rich families with their property, forcing Kazakh people to settled way of life, calling everybody to farming led to famine. Unfortunately, ones who foresaw such an outcome were repressed. Thus, the performance held on the misfortune of the Kazakh people ended in mass repressions, arrests, executions of leaders of the people, true sons of the people, Kazakh intellectuals. And if the tragedy served as a lesson to us, then we achieved our goal.
[1] Таnabuga. Kostanay county//Ushkyn.– 1920.–№19
[2] Таnabuga. About Kazakh land//Ushkyn.– 1920.–№20
[3] Project on land problems//Ushkyn.– 1920.–№30-31
[4] А. Аitiev. Past days//Ushkyn.– 1920.–№20-24
[5] Smagul Sadvakasov. About Siberian Kazakhs//Еnbek tuy. – 1920.–№3
[6] On the Siberian oblasts//Еnbek tuy. – 1920.–№1
[7] Таnabuga. About Kazakh land//Ushkyn.– 1920.–№20
[8] Smagul Sadvakasov. About Siberian Kazakhs//Еnbek tuy. – 1920.–№3
[9] Маnap Shamil. On the government record maintenance in Republics in the national language!//Еnbekshil kazak. – 1923. – №100
[10] Madiyar. To the attention of working committee on Kazakh//Еnbekshi kazak. – 1925. – №364
[11] The problems of society enlightenment//Еnbekshi kazak. – 1925. – №295
[12] Коshkе. What language should be used in school?//Еnbekshi kazak. – 1927. – №25
[13] Ilias Kabyluly. It is essential to seek knowledge//Еnbekshi kazak. – 1927. – №36
[14] Кorgen. About seven orders of kazakhization//Еnbekshi kazak. – 1928. – №236